When you put your home to work generating solar photovoltaic power, you will see immediate savings on your electric bills and significantly reduce you carbon footprint using clean, renewable energy from the sun.
Solar panels for your home are virtually maintenance free and the technology is tried & true. With no moving parts, the panels sit on your roof, where they gather photons which are converted to energy in direct current (DC) form. The direct current is fed into an inverter mounted to close to your electric panel. The inverter converts DC to alternating current (AC), the form of electricity used by all your household appliances. A solar meter keeps track of how much electricity your solar system generates.
The AC electricity then into your electrical panel to power your home. When you are producing more electricity than you are using, for instance, during spring and fall days, you can watch your bi directional meter spin backward. You are essentially “banking” this electricity which you can then pull back from the grid to use at night, or at times when your load is heavy.